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来源:广州奥数网 作者:E度论坛 2012-09-28 18:02:08
(18) W: Would you water the plants, daring?
M: Sure.
W:Thanks. Don’t forget to talk to them .
M: Talk to them? Why?
W: Plants grow better if you talk to them when you water them.
Question: What did the woman ask the man to do ?
(19).W: Let’s take a walk in the park after dinner.
M: That sounds like a good idea.
W: Well, do the dishes and then start for the park.
M: I’ll take the dog with us. So she can get some exercise too.
Question: Who will go to the park?
(20) M: Here is the picture of you when you were 4 years old.
S: I looked stupid. Why am I wearing those silly clothes?
M: It was Halloween. Your dad and I wanted you to wear them to the party.
S: Why?
M: Because you were cute and we wanted everybody to see you. You know, you were such a cute, good-looking child.
Question: Who is the woman in this dialogue?
Passage1:My problem is with my mother. She is now over 70 and becoming very weak. My father died 5 years ago and I have no brothers or sisters. I’m the only one who has to take care of her. But in the town where she lives is difficult for me to find a job. I am a lawyer and she can’t come to live with me, because she doesn’t like the weather. She said it’s too bad to her health. It’s true, because it’s very clod here, so I really don’t know what to do.
Passage 2:Are you a morning person or an evening person? When do you work best? I work best in the morning. I always do my work before a lunch time. Usually I start at 9 o’clock and work to 12 o’clock. After that, my brain stops working. On a good day, I write 1,500 words or more, sometimes 2,000 words in the morning. Then after lunch, I go out for a walk or read. In the evening, I go out and meet people. Meeting people usually brings me new ideas for my books.
Passage 3:A star fish looks like a star. Most of them have five arms. Some have even more. At the end of each arm is an eye. The star fish has as many eyes as it has arms. And if an arm as the star fish lost, it grows a new one. If you cut a star fish in two, each piece will grow into a new star fish. Star fish are not real fish, they are not good to eat. Dry ones are very pretty, people take dry star fish home and decorate their houses with them.
Passage 4:The White House is for the American president works and lives. People like to visit it for a party every Easter. On Easter Monday, 2009, the White House prepared 13,000 Easter eggs for the visitors. President Obama read a book to the children, played basketball with them and looked for eggs with them. First lady Michelle Obama and some children picked the vegetables in the White House’s garden and they made salad together.
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