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来源:.   作者:.   2010-03-15 10:19:19



     John lives in a small farm. He can’t speak well. He stammers a lot when he speaks.One day he goes to a shop. He wants to buy a parrot. He says to the shopkeeper. “ D-d-do you have a p-p-parrot?” “Yes, sir。” answers the shopkeeper. “Here is a fine green one. It understands everything。” So John buys it and goes home with his bird. But some days later he takes it back to the shop。“This b-b-bird can’t t-t-talk。” he says。” It can only st-t-tammer。”

  二、 开心词典(30分钟完成,分值80分,16道题)1.Choose the best answer, A, B or C.

       ( ) 1. _______ is your brother? She is a nurse.

  A. What. B. which C. Who

  ( ) 2. Look! John and Susan are _______。

  A. danceing B. danced C. dancing

  ( ) 3. Tom wants _______ go to Beijing _______ train。

  A. to; in B. for; in C. to; by

  ( ) 4. Is Pat going to _______ the plants?

  A. water B. watering C. waters

  ( ) 5. _______ oranges are there on the table?

  A. How many B. How much C. How old

  ( ) 6. Can you _______ the piano ?

  A. plays B. play C. playing

  ( ) 7. What does your mother do ______ Saturdays?

  A. on B. in C. at

  ( ) 8. Must they push at the library ? No, they ______

  A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. must。

  ( ) 9. What would you like to drink?

  I'd like to drink some ______。

  A. water B.waters C. wateres

  ( ) 10. Let’s go to the park, ____?

  A . shall us B. shall we C. shall you

  ( ) 11. Excuse me. Are these Mary’s horses?

  No, they aren’t _______.I think they are_______。

  A. mine; Peter’s B. hers; Peter’s C. her; Peter’s

  ( ) 12. Jane _______ in the swimming pool yesterday。

  A. swim B. swimed C. swam

  ( ) 13. My mother _______ the dishes everyday。

  A. wash B. washs C. washes

  ( ) 14. This flower is _______beautiful than that one。

  A. more. B. much. C. most。

  ( ) 15. ______is the chichen? Eight yuan a kilo。

  A. How many B. How old C. How much

  2.Furthee reading。

  It’s nine o’clock in the evening. The Jams are at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to a bird, Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!” Where is Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate, Jim’s sister is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.1.Choose the best answer, A, B or C。

  ( )1. There are ______ people in the family。

  A. three B. four  C. five

  ( )2. Who is watching TV in a chair? _______。

  A. Jim B. Jim’s mother C. Jim’s father

  ( )3. Jim and Kate are _______。

  A. good friends  B. two girls

  C. brother and sister

  ( )4. The children ________ doing their homework。

  A. aren’t B. isn’t C. don’t

  ( )5. What’s Kate doing?

  A. She’s doing her homework。

  B. She’s standing near the window。

  C. She’s playing games。

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